Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Just my desktop

Im just kinda bored tonight so Im just exploring some stuff and here are some screenshots of my desktop, I just want to share my desktop:

Here are the components of my desktop:
- XFCE4 Window Manager uses only 20% of memory compared to KDE and GNOME.
- BitchX Secure IRC Client.
- for the transparent terminal.
- NMAP for the scanner.
- Wallpaper from
- XFCE4 Plugins:
* CPUgraph
* Weather
* Screenshotter
* Notes
* Netload

If you are on a yum based linux distribution (ie. FC4, RHEL, CenTOS) just do: yum install xfdesktop xfce-utils nmap
And for getting the plugins search for it using this command: yum search xfce

For users with an apt-get based linux distribution ( debian , slackware ) just type: apt-get install xfce

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